Free Verse


In a dream, you came to me
Reaching out my hand to touch you
The penetration went straight through
A figment of imagination
 But this was a dream and you were real
How then can you leave me empty?
Trouble thoughts awaken me
And I ask myself if I’d done something wrong
You never left me empty and alone
Even in repose
I pray comeback to me one more time
Give me that chance of fulfillment if only

In my dream

My Heart

My heart sears each time
my thoughts of you
 burn into my consciousness
Becoming aware there’s a part of me missing
Time balances’ itself with desire with growth
In between the seeds of longing are planted and
Fertilized with tears of wanting completeness

Beauty She Is

Beneath her surface no one bothered to explore

External exquisiteness catches eyes
Antagonism never touched her soul 
Understanding gave her gracefulness
Truth was her strength 

Years of hard work with no rewards

She still held her head high
Her greatest gift were her children
Even when they’d stumble and fall 

In her was the heart of warrior
Soul of an angel she will forever be

Beauty She Is…


 Love once so pure 
Untainted by the world 
Lived to breathe truth and honesty 
Unblemished untouched by negativity 
In prisoned in its own environment 
Protected secure impenetrable 
To evil forces 
Slowly love begin to wonder away 
From its purity 
Exploring new dimensions 
Inviting in outside forces


It unites us, it gratifies us
reaching down the depths of our soul
it lifts us, it touches us
resonating heart and mind

Melodious harmonizing vibrations
Unified uplifting someone's soul
Sensuous sensuality strums a heart
Internal rhythm heals a cold spirit
Comforting emotions bridging the gap of humanity 

Don't Let the Sun Go Down

What's happened to the love
 That use to keep us in an inferno at night
A cold bed we now share has taken it's place
 Sheets that use to to be heated and on fire
Soaked in sweat from lovin' 
Now we've let the coldness of
Sorrow  take it's place
Regrets now lie in bed with us 
Love missing laying in between us
Shadows of what we once were sleep
Along side of us
Now the sun has set
And we try with valiant effort to resurrect
Love that has become rusted from tears we
Both have cried 
It's too late and the sun has gone down...


Inhale blow it out slowly
Letting the aroma of hunger
Feed your soul
There is an old saying 
Where there is smoke there’s a fire
But this fire lays hidden in the abyss Of desire
Who can put out the flame…