Free Verse

Showing posts with label mental illness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mental illness. Show all posts

Man Can Fly

 Wrestling with yourself

 Fighting who you should be

Indecisive on the course of reality

In a dream world you live

Struggling to exist

Nothing is making any sense

In the world you now subsist

In your mind somewhere lost

Trapped in a demented sphere

Crying out for help but

No one hears

Listening to voices that

 Are not there

Only in your mind do you hear

Whispers’ telling you lies

That man can fly

Going through a transformation

On a spiritual journey

Opening your mind to

Unknown entities as your

 Mentality is rocked with

 More confusion

Disillusioned to what is real

And you are asking yourself

Will I ever heal?

In the abyss you call home

Praying for the norm to

Return to your life

The whispers continue

To overpower your thinking

Voices becoming louder

Mingling with tears

You cry from frustration and pain

Relief will not come

As they tell you

Man can fly come join us