Free Verse

Showing posts with label hungry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hungry. Show all posts

The Dance

Watch how my body sways to the music
Each tempo pulls me into the dance
Close my eyes wet my lips
Let my hips perform naturally to the rhythm
As I imagine a lover captured in my embrace
Our bodies working fluently as one
Pressed so close our hearts beat in unison
With the music reverberating around me
Passion pours from my core
My appetite is ferocious as I pull
You into my web of desire
Illicit acts of the dance tantalize
Captivating an audience
It’s my dance that hypnotize
Hungry eyes
Watch me as I dance, as I dance as I dance…


Changing colors
Leaves fallen to the ground
Sound of wind so smooth
Coldness seeps within
Eyes beholding the beauty
The sky unabashed in maturity
Frozen tear drops
Blanket of white covers naked earth
Smoke bellow from a lonely chimney stack
Inside fire roars in the hearth
Warm and contented some are
The rest look for and not get
Delicious aromas fill the air
Hungry bellies growl in the distance
Wishing for a place to call home
Night falls
Another November day has come to an end