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Showing posts with label airplanes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label airplanes. Show all posts

Chasing Paper Airplanes

I sit I watch waiting for the chance to catch whispers
Floating in the air
Sky azure white clouds dance between the sun and earth
Days shorten still I sit I watch
Making wishes futile if I’m to believe
Happiness is just a dream
Catch a falling tear drop on fingertip
I sit I watch
Breathe in breathe out
In the light of day things are clear
Gaze up at the heavens
Wondering if God really does exist
Say a prayer if He does maybe He will hear
Retrace my thoughts
I sit I watch
A little girl lost
A young woman found
A bitter pill goes down with a spoon of honey
Is life on a merry go round?
Spinning to infinity
I sit I watch
Finality to a days end
Chasing paper airplanes