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Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

June by EK Ellis

 Juxtapose to no beginning and to no end

Unified hurt soul deep and beyond

Nursing a broken heart

Every day a reminder you’re not here


It unites us, it gratifies us
reaching down the depths of our soul
it lifts us, it touches us
resonating heart and mind

Melodious harmonizing vibrations
Unified uplifting someone's soul
Sensuous sensuality strums a heart
Internal rhythm heals a cold spirit
Comforting emotions bridging the gap of humanity 

Poignant Heart

Passion crescendos agreeably
In an attempt to reawaken love
Caressing the wisdom of a lost heart
Undertones melodically capture
The quiet of night
A familiar tone resonates
Across empty space
Lyrics explosive raw emotions erupt
In need to contact melodiously
With a clandestine soul
Vibratos cry out reaching anticlimax
Realization settles in
Music of heart and soul crisscross never meshing
Leaving rancorous mellifluous sounds
To seal up a symphony of orchestrated