Free Verse


Every night she took her place
Seated on top of the baby grand piano
Closed her eyes letting the riffs
From the the ivories invade her soul
Smoke made a halo above her head
A white rose adorned the baby grand
...which was her signature mark
Inhaling deeply she lost her- self
Becoming a part of the song
Belting out the lyrics in her euphonious voice
Spinning a spell over the crowd
…pulling them in
Beguiling the men with her body
 and women  she connected
… with her lyricism
No one knew what she endured
All they witness was a woman sitting
 on top a piano singing a song
But if they listened closely to her lyrics
They’d know of the abuse she endured
Both physical and mental
Covering up the black eyes with make-up
…that will fade in time
But the scars left on her body
Hidden beneath her clothes forever
A reminder that a man who once loved
Her turn the beautiful colors she use
To see through eyes filled with
Hope ,love, compassion to
disdain, cynical, her truth
Sleepless nights from crying her heart out in silence
She thank god her womb was closed and she
Didn’t have to worry about bringing children
Into her madness
Still every night she did the one thing that kept
Her sanity
She sang that same song people heard
…and never tired of  hearing every night
Maybe the tone would be altered
the verses rearranged, but her words
she never changed
It was her song and no one else could sing it only


Traversing this earth
Whispers of sadness
Evolving into remembrance
Nearer to thee my heart sings
Time has once again raised its head
You’re not here but never forgotten


Poignant Heart

Passion crescendos agreeably
In an attempt to reawaken love
Caressing the wisdom of a lost heart
Undertones melodically capture
The quiet of night
A familiar tone resonates
Across empty space
Lyrics explosive raw emotions erupt
In need to contact melodiously
With a clandestine soul
Vibratos cry out reaching anticlimax
Realization settles in
Music of heart and soul crisscross never meshing
Leaving rancorous mellifluous sounds
To seal up a symphony of orchestrated


Conflicted emotions
No emotions
Love, hate
Rich, poor
Happy, sad
Damn if I do damn if I don’t
Break the cycle
Cycle can’t be broken
Rest, no sleep
Mind troubled
Troubled with what’s going on in my mind
Round, square
Up, down
Does it ever end?


Togetherness forms a union
Refused to be broken
United in bond of hope
Souls breathing for intimacy
Tangled in the web of belief


War Inside of Me

See there’s a war going on inside of me
With my heart and mind wanting two different things
My heart is saying it wants love
My mind is telling me you’re just fine the way you are
Which one do I listen to?
A heart that’s been broken one time to many
Probably is bias by now
A mind that has struggled to make sense of the pain
Still the battle rages and the war is going strong
Heart and mind each one trying to define love and pain
Pain and love
Two strong emotions egotistical both wanting to win
In the war inside of me
Trust not the blind emotion
Forget not the transgressions
The pendulum is swinging in violent agitation
Mind, heart, which one are you going to abide by


War inside of me continues

All About the Ring

Beauty that shines like the stars in heaven

Sensual comfort fit

Wrapped neatly around your finger

How many diamonds does it have?

Is the clarity bad?

Does it outshine the moon?

Can it be seen across the vast seas?

Will it bring you contentment?

The larger the more happiness promised

Is your love measured by how massive the stone is?

Is your heart so shallow that the only thing

Conceived is the price tag hanging from it

What happens if it’s lost or stolen?

Will your love suddenly fade away?

How much more do you treasure

The superficial piece of happily ever after

What if there was no ring presented to you

Would your love suddenly get amnesia

Is it more important than the heart that’s

Offering you a spiritual connection

In the end it’s been all about the ring

Not what it should stand for