Free Verse

Beauty She Is

Beneath her surface no one bothered to explore
External exquisiteness catches eyes
Antagonism never touched her soul
Understanding gave her gracefulness
Truth was her strength
Years of hard work with no rewards

She still held her head high
Her greatest gift were her children
Even when they’d stumble and fall

In her was the heart of warrior
Soul of an angel she will forever be

Beauty She Is…


I know your touch
Your smell
The way you walk
Wear your hair
You are a familiarity
Close my eyes I see
Every inch of you
Know what you taste like
Finish your sentence
Ease into a life acquainted
With your essence
Fluently my body conveys
A linguistic only you can interpret
You are
I am
We become
One familiarity 

Love Me Some You

Lay with me
Only never to arise
Varying degrees of passion
Erupt between two bodies

Mesmerized by the desire reflected in your eyes
Envisioning lips caressing my secrets

Selfishly I want more
Ominous emotions emergence
Mirrored hunger undeniable
Echo of voices crying out in pleasure

Yielding to the fire burning
On my way to finding
Utopia as I love me some you

The Dance

Watch how my body sways to the music
Each tempo pulls me into the dance
Close my eyes wet my lips
Let my hips perform naturally to the rhythm
As I imagine a lover captured in my embrace
Our bodies working fluently as one
Pressed so close our hearts beat in unison
With the music reverberating around me
Passion pours from my core
My appetite is ferocious as I pull
You into my web of desire
Illicit acts of the dance tantalize
Captivating an audience
It’s my dance that hypnotize
Hungry eyes
Watch me as I dance, as I dance as I dance…

Three Daddy Syndrome

She gave her love to this man laid in his bed
Nine months later she cradled her joy in her hands
Ten months later he was know where to be found
On to number two who was no better than number one
Showered her with promises
Then reneged by raining blows across her
Swollen stomach
You’d think she learned from her mistakes with
Two babies one hanging onto her legs
And the other swaddled in her arms
Being a romantic and always looking for the
Best in everyone in strolled baby daddy number three
Cool as cucumber didn’t even bother with all that
Phony bullshit just went for what he wanted
And it wasn’t her good cooking
Before she could blink the doctor was congratulating her
On baby number three
But in the back of his mind he was wondering
How she could have fallen for the three daddy syndrome

Sweeter Tomorrows

As I sleep and dream
Of ardent awakenings
My soul bathes in yearning
Crying out to be fulfilled
Toss and turn to the sweetness
Of quiet whispers tantalizing
My essence
Roll over reaching out to an apparition
Of longing
Silently falling deeper into slumber
Moan of pleasure
Sigh of contentment
Intake of deep breath
Curl into myself
Hugging empty air
As I sleep and dream of
Sweeter tomorrows


Her hair is short and nappy
She didn't stop to think her
Sexuality would be in question
If she walked down the street
Wearing Donatella Versace with
Hair long and flowing she’d be called sexy
Reverse that with short hair and now eyebrows
Are raised when she appears
People don’t understand it’s only hair
Short, long, straight or kinky
It doesn't define the person
It’s only an external extension
How she wears her hair isn’t to raise questions
It’s her choice that’s suits her well
Accept it; whisper your concerns question her sexuality
But remember that old adage, don’t judge a book by
Its cover