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Bedroom Scenes

Scene one, he entered the bedroom candles danced off her
naked body as she lay poised
Sensually exposing the secret of herself
Scene two, slowly he maneuvered his was over to where
she rested looking down into eyes no
Color could describe
Scene three, she reached up and seductively placed her hand
on the passionate part of his body
Watched as his eyes closed ever so slightly
Ummm she thought to herself, he was now hard putty in her hands
Scene four, he unhurriedly begins to undress stripping for her
he knew this would get her off
Removing the last barrier letting her eyes feast on his manhood
their eyes then met ‘come to me the spider said to the fly’
Scene five, hunger for rapture sent them both on a journey to conquer  
Scene six, intertwined their body’s rocked to
New emotions not defined by nature
Scene seven, sounds echoed and bounced off the walls
matting call could be heard in all directions
Scene eight, sweat poured from their pores still they kept on going for
more carnal pleasure
Scene nine, positions they performed rivaled the Karma Sutra
passions continued to roar
Scene ten, can’t be mentioned let’s just say the scene ended
With two people satiated and resting up for scene eleven...


Changing colors
Leaves fallen to the ground
Sound of wind so smooth
Coldness seeps within
Eyes beholding the beauty
The sky unabashed in maturity
Frozen tear drops
Blanket of white covers naked earth
Smoke bellow from a lonely chimney stack
Inside fire roars in the hearth
Warm and contented some are
The rest look for and not get
Delicious aromas fill the air
Hungry bellies growl in the distance
Wishing for a place to call home
Night falls
Another November day has come to an end


He walked into the club and there she stood
Her back to him beauty etched in every inch
A portrait to be painted
A song to be harmonized
Poetry of loveliness
His emotions he tried to conceal
Never before had he witness such sensuality
All he wanted to do was touch her
To see if she was real
He imagined his hands on her body
Lips tasting the sweetness of her core
Fantasies danced before his eyes
Becoming bold he took a step towards her
Started to reach a hand out to touch her
His vision of exquisiteness
Utopia standing there for him
To possess
With a change of mind he let his
Hand fall back to his side
Fearing he wasn't worthy of this goddess
He turned and walked away
Never seeing her face
But the portrait of her
Always remained in his mind

Chasing Paper Airplanes

I sit I watch waiting for the chance to catch whispers
Floating in the air
Sky azure white clouds dance between the sun and earth
Days shorten still I sit I watch
Making wishes futile if I’m to believe
Happiness is just a dream
Catch a falling tear drop on fingertip
I sit I watch
Breathe in breathe out
In the light of day things are clear
Gaze up at the heavens
Wondering if God really does exist
Say a prayer if He does maybe He will hear
Retrace my thoughts
I sit I watch
A little girl lost
A young woman found
A bitter pill goes down with a spoon of honey
Is life on a merry go round?
Spinning to infinity
I sit I watch
Finality to a days end
Chasing paper airplanes

The Idea of You

It’s not you that I miss
Not your smell or your scent
It isn’t even your presence
There’s just something that keeps the idea of you alive
For good or bad haven’t quite fished through that one yet
Still the memories float around in my mind
Ideas of what I wished you to be yet you were
Never meant to be
Sunset walks along the shore climb Mt. Everest
Swim the Atlantic Ocean
Ideas only formulated in my dreams
Steamy sweat soaked sheets
Hands roaming over my body
Ideas of a lover who knew how to make
Love and receive it back
Desire so strong I smelled it
Before I caught a whiff of you
Ideas of only what I hoped to form
Into reality stay hidden in the idea of you


No tears fall from eyes
No sad reflection of what could have been
Memories dashed to stone
Old songs don’t evoke passion
Life has a new clarity didn’t see before
Hidden behind closed metaphors
Strength from within replaced weakness
Sins washed away being born again
Hate waste of energy replaced with positivity
Tomorrow ushers in new beginnings
Yesterday vanished in the rain
Future I can say adios to pain
Adios to emotional hell
Adios to spirit weary and trodden under
Adios to the prison cell
Created by a demented warden  
Adios, adios, adios, adios

The Other Woman

She knocked at the door standing there big as life
Looked into the eyes of her competition
Smiled sweetly knowing the sins she committed
Would soon be answered
Hands on her ample hips
Her lips dripping with revulsion
Singing a song of the love for this man
Tears begin to run rivers down her face
Pleading for his release
Begging so earnestly
Passionate speech came forth out of desperation
Her love for him was her poison
Held prisoner she kept him safely tucked
Away in her heart
She continued to implore, “Let him go he’s not yours
Staring back into her eyes only emotion
To surface was sorrow
“Look lady you’re the fifth one today to stop by
Apparently he’s not yours either”
With that the door was slammed in her face
A few minutes later came another knock
Different woman same scenario